Delete porn – a porn remover with SkinScan algorithm


Most Internet users are not aware of the presence of porn on their computers. These pornographic files may have reached by mistake, despite receiving emails or surfing the internet. There are cases when such files are added without the user's knowledge by Spyware or Adware. Such files may lead to employees losing their jobs and worse if young children are exposed to such pornography at home. To ensure complete pornography removal, an advanced program is required with the Skin Scan algorithm.

Removing pornographic files is a complex process that goes beyond deleting file names that contain objectionable content. In addition to erasing files containing pornography in its name, it is necessary to delete pornography in the following categories: photos, videos, browsing history, temporary internet files, and persuasive files.

In addition to deleting pornographic browsing history and temporary internet files, an effective pornographic deletion program requires a skin-scanning algorithm that can perform skin color analysis on images. This allows the program to detect skin color in images. By opening an image and calculating the amount of skin and curvature, the program has the ability to decide whether or not the image is pornographic.

The same algorithm is used to detect porn video clips. Multiple windows are scanned as images and average results are calculated to determine whether or not the video is porn. The first few frames are ignored because they may contain titles. Moreover, disguised files are an often overlooked area that needs to be erased and pornographic detected. Persuasive files are those that are placed in hidden directories, compressed files, or their name or extension has been changed.

Delete porn off your computer and protect your business and family. Ensure that your computer is clean and spam-free.


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