The future calls for Swift: an entirely new programming language for iOS apps


Developing a mobile app is no longer a rocket science. A trusted development partner and great programming language like Swift will help you get the app you've always dreamed of. Hence, all you need is to choose a dynamic programming language that will help in developing your agile application and get you through a few simple steps. Although the two most powerful languages ​​for developing iOS apps are Objective C ++ and Swift, there are some interesting facts that make the latter a favorite choice for you as well as for the developers. Find out why.

# 1 Fast and Powerful

Rapid programming language was intentionally done quickly using the LLVM translation program and thus offers high performance. It is the subsequent language of C and target C, with which low-level alternatives such as types, factors, or features directed to objects or flow control are associated. All of these help developers get the performance they want.

# 2 Simplicity of Syntax

While the main goal of developers who have a lot of projects in one line is to have a very friendly and feature-rich language to make things easier for them. Swift icon is a great plus for them because it is so short. Also, a lower code means better readability and error exposure.

# 3 Ease of adaptation

Using Swift gives you the interoperability of Goal C. You are empowered to create new applications with Swift code, integrate out of the box features and intuitive functionality. Being a lightweight programming language and compact with the least coding, it is not cumbersome at all and easy to use, even for novice developers.

# 4Support dynamic libraries

There is support for dynamic libraries in Swift other than Objective C. In other words, this reduces the complexities in development and lowers the application size which increases the download speed on mobile devices.

# 5 used in Linux environments

Swift comes with a full set of capabilities needed to develop cross-platform applications, i.e. iOS and Linux-based applications. It is rarely found in other programming languages ​​and can be used in Linux environments.

# 6 Less coding

Low encryption in Swift is mainly due to its support for higher ranking functions. It comes with many unusual features in any other programming language, such as nested and anonymous functions, terms, and closings. These help create simple expressions in just one short line. Moreover, Swift also reduces the amount of code used to create repetitive phrases or to manipulate a string.

Although the iOS 11 version is out due to too many iterations after version 10, it's also time for you to prepare for a more convenient, light and full feature language for iOS app development. Thanks to the new Swift language and its powerful features that developers are looking for. With these major advantages above, it has become the most likely programming language that the future favors to build immersive and customer-oriented intuitive applications.


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