Journey of Jupiter – transforming strangers into clients

Think about the last time you bought a product. ( transforming strangers into clients )

There was a time when you did not know that the product existed or that the service provider was present, and you ended up paying for it.

I went through something called Jupiter’s journey, even without realizing it.

In this article, we will share exactly what a buyer’s journey is, and how you can use it to increase your sales.

First, what is Jupiter’s journey?

Journey of Jupiter is a set of steps a person takes from being completely stranger to becoming a paying customer.

There are 3 main stages in Jupiter’s journey:

1. Awareness stage

2. Consideration stage

3. Decision stage

To illustrate this, we’ll use an example of a business owner, “Jane”, who doesn’t get results from his website.

1. Awareness stage

Awareness stage where the customer realizes that he has a problem.

At this point, they realize that there is something to fix.

In our example: At this point, Jane realizes “I am not getting enough results from my website.”

2. Consideration stage

At the reflection stage, the customer is looking for possible solutions to the problem.

At this point, Jin will normally connect to the Internet or start talking to people to try to find out “Why am I not getting clients from my website?”

During this search, you may discover:

  1. The site is not a friendly search engine
  2. The website doesn’t look good enough for people not to trust the business
  3. The content on the website is not persuasive enough for people to take action

At the end of this stage, Jane concluded that she needed to redesign her website.

3. Decision stage

At the decision-making stage, the customer searches for a solution provider or product to solve the problem.

At this point, Jin starts chatting with friends or asks online “Do you know any really good webmaster?” She can also go to Google to search for “Website Design Company”.

What do you think of Jupiter’s journey? do you have questions?

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