The importance of C programming


'C' appears a strange name for the programming language. But this strange sounding language is one of the most popular computer languages ​​today because it is an organized, high-level, machine-independent language. It allows developers to develop programs without worrying about hardware platforms where they will be implemented. The origin of all modern languages ​​is ALGOL, which was introduced in the early 1960s. C from ALGOL, BCPL and B were developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in 1972.

C uses many concepts from these languages ​​and adds concepts of data types and other powerful features. Since it was developed in tandem with UNIX operating system, it is closely related to UNIX. During 1970, C developed what is known as 'C'. To ensure that the C language is still standard, in 1983, the American National Institute of Standards (ANSI) appointed a technical committee to define a standard for the C language. The committee approved a C version in December 1989 which is now known as ANSI C. approved by an organization International Standards (ISO) in 1990. This version of C is also referred to as C89.

The increasing popularity of C is probably due to many desirable traits. It is a powerful language where a rich set of built-in functions and operators can be used to write any complex software. The C compiler combines assembly language capabilities and high-level language features, and is therefore suitable for writing both system software and business packages. In many of the C compilers available on the market, written in C is efficient and fast. This is due to the diversity of data types and powerful operators. C very portable. This means that C programs written for one computer can run on another device with little or no modification. Portability is important if we plan to use a new computer with a different operating system. C is well suited for structured programming, and therefore requires the user to think about a problem in terms of functional units or functional blocks.

An appropriate group of these units would make a complete program. This modular structure makes software correction, testing and maintenance easier. Another important feature of C is its ability to expand itself. The AC program is basically sets of functions that the C library supports. We can constantly add our own functionality to the C library. With a large number of functions available, programming tasks become simple. I know most of you are not getting good lessons in C programming. I think you can get the best C programming tutorial and the largest collection of source code at which is a well-organized site, especially for beginners.


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