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Fast Solution to Website Migration Using All In One WP Migration – Stuck Issues


The new version of All In One WP Migration has a limitation on the free version with size and some features are no longer included.

So, we are going to be using the old version of the plugin, it does not mean the old version is not restricted.

This is why you’re going to need to watch the video till the end because we are not going to be doing the regular upload.

We will be adding it as backup and import. trust me the process is as simple as could imagine.

Click To Download All-In-One-WP Migration

Fast Solution to Website Migration Using All In One WP Migration – Stuck Issues


First Download the old version and install the link is in the description below.

Then, go to your Cpanel, Open File Manager, Next, Open Public HTML, or your website root directory,. Then Open WP Content you are going to find a folder called Ai1wm Backups and open it.
From the top corner click on upload and select the WordPress file you downloaded. alow it to finish uploading.

Once the uploading is done, go back to your WordPress backend, and navigate to All In One WP Migration and Select Backups. at this time just ahead and click on Import.
Wait For the processing and click on PROCEED.

Once Is done read the short instruction and close is going to log you out.
So you will need to login with your old website password as the file exported at first includes the database.

If you can’t remember your password go to your Cpanel, softaculous and log in from there.

If you enjoy the video so far make sure you smash the like button and subscribe, if you have any questions put them in the comment below.

So that’s all for the video see you next bye.

SEO Web Links And Backlinks

Are web backlinks dead?

What should I do for SEO?

So you want your website to be on page 1 of Google search engine results. What you need to consider is where Google is coming from when deciding which websites go on page 1.

Your business is absolutely dependent on displaying the most relevant websites for a specific keyword phrase search; otherwise, your competitors might start taking a look.

In the early days, this was just a matter of looking at the words on the web page. This is how YAHOO started. Then the founders of Google were conducting a research project at Stanford University called a “backrub” that looked at web links between websites. (backlinks) as a way of judging the importance and usefulness of websites. They could also exploit the anchor text (the actual web link text). This was very successful, and before we knew it, Google had usurped YAHOO as the leading search engine because it delivered better results.

It goes without saying that once everyone knew that Google was looking at web links, the chapters of the search engine optimizer started building web links anyway and this was for a time a very powerful technique to cheat the system and promote their website.

Google responded with the PENGUIN update, which tries to recognize genuine web links and remove artificial links on the basis of relevance, non-random IP addresses, and non-random anchor text (the text in the link), etc. This caused quite a lot of distress for webmasters who had built poor web links and got penalized and ended up on page 1.

Even recently, Google’s Matt Cutts admitted that when Google tried to set search rankings without using web links, they got bad results. Therefore, web links are still important, and you should try to create web links as long as they are relevant links and add genuine value to the person browsing the web.

What other factors does Google use to determine search engine ranking? It’s worth keeping in mind that the precise algorithm that Google uses is a state secret and is constantly changing. Just remember to remember Google’s business model, where they should show the most relevant results to their users.

But you can listen to the chat on the Internet and in particular take note of any Google ad, for example, they have announced that in searches carried out on mobile (now more than 50% of all searches), will prioritize responsive websites, that is, designed to display correctly on mobile phones with narrow screens.

Recently, Google’s Search Quality Guidelines have come to light. This document is for your internal reviewers but emphasizes experience, authority, and trust. In practice, this means that links and mentions of people who are considered an authority are valued.

There are many articles on SEO, which will have a lot of details, but the main thing to do for SEO is:

(1) Provide useful content / information / service, be prepared to reveal some trade secrets

(2) Persuade others to share your content, perhaps by using social share buttons on your own website or relevant backlinks from others to your website.

Next Generation Computer Systems

Next Generation Computer Systems

The change will come soon. Technology has continued to evolve at breakneck speed. The speed at which technology evolves is due in part to increasing market demands. Everyone wants more powerful systems that are highly reliable and can run faster. Hardware and software manufacturers are working together to bring the next generation of computer systems to a whole new level.

It all starts from the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The CPU is like the heart of the system. Without a powerful “heart”, other components cannot fulfill their full potential. Intel recently announced the release of the Core i7 processors. This family of processors is radically different from previous generations. They are all quad-core processors, and each core has two threads. That means that the CPU will appear in the operating system as 8 processors. Talk about power!

With more powerful processors, other components of the computer system have more processing power to use. An enthusiast will surely ask, “But what about memory?” The memory of a computer system is another critical component that affects the overall speed of the system. If memory is not upgraded, there will be a bottleneck and even the fastest CPU will become ineffective.

Core processors support triple channel DDR3 memory. Memory manufacturers like Gingle have announced triple channel DDR3 memory kit releases that are fully compatible with Intel Core i7 processors. Additionally, to improve memory performance, Intel has decided to mount the memory controllers directly on the processor matrix. A high-speed link is available if another processor wants to access the information from the memory controllers on another core. This means that instead of the processor having to retrieve information from external memory controllers, the processors now have direct access to the instructions. This improves performance dramatically.

Tests by reputable tech websites have shown improvements in all areas: graphics processing, CPU processing, and increased reliability when overclocking.

Of course, given the raw power offered by the new Core i7 processors, a better architecture should be available to allow for faster communication between the different components. For this reason, Core i7 processors can only be used on motherboards with the X58 chipset. In other words, whoever wants to upgrade to the new Core i7 processors will have to give up their old motherboards.

X58 motherboards are compatible with Intel Quickpath Interconnect. This is Intel’s way of establishing faster communications between the various components.

The new motherboards also feature support for high-speed hard drives. Both internal and external disk drives can run up to 3GB / s.

Seagate recently announced the release of the second generation Savvio 15K.2 hard drive, 2.53. This next generation hard drive can run at 15,000 RPM (twice the speed of traditional hard drives) and can save up to 70% in terms of power consumption. For server farms that use many hard drives, the energy savings can amount to something substantial.

Everything seems to be pointing in the right direction: faster systems, greater reliability, and more cost savings. Enthusiasts have a lot to be happy about.

Data Recovery “How To Recover From A Hard Drive Failure”

How To Recover From A Hard Drive Failure

Unfortunately, most home users and many business users do not back up their systems. Also, many small businesses have older backup procedures that are often ineffective at recovering files.

Of course, you can go to your neighborhood electronics store and buy a replacement disk for your computer, but what about the data from the crashed hard drive? How important was it? Did you save or backup it?

What to do:

If you need to recover data on the hard drive, the first thing to do is avoid trying to reboot or do anything that involves the drive. Doing so may further damage your data.

The only irreversible data loss is due to bit overwriting, physical damage to drive disks, or destruction from magnetizing platters, which rarely happens in the real world. In most cases, the malfunction is caused by a damaged circuit board, failure of a mechanical component, and failure of the internal software or firmware system track.

In the event of a real hard drive failure, only a data recovery professional can recover your data. And just because you can’t access your data through your operating system doesn’t necessarily mean that your data has been lost.

As a “rule of thumb,” if you hear a clicking sound coming from your hard drive, or if your S.M.A.R.T. The function indicates an error during the boot process, something is wrong. You should stop using the hard drive immediately to avoid causing further damage and potentially rendering the information on the hard drive unrecoverable.

After receiving your faulty hard drive, the first step for a data recovery specialist will be to attempt to save an image of the damaged drive to another drive. This imaging drive, not the actual damaged drive, is where the data recovery specialist will attempt to recover the lost data.

The next step in the imaging process is to determine if the hard drive failure was an actual malfunction, a system corruption, or a system tracking problem.

System corruption and system tracking issues are usually fixed using specialist data recovery software. System corruption or system tracking recoveries do not require processing in a clean room environment.


Unfortunately, damage to the circuit board of a unit or failure of main units is not uncommon. In each of these failures, a data recovery specialist should work on the system only in a clean room environment. There, the specialist can replace parts such as drive electronics, internal components, read / write arms, read / write heads, spindle motors, or spindle bearings from a donor drive to access data from the failed hard drive. In most cases, the data recovery specialist can recover and return the lost data.

The Pros and Cons of Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel

If you are a Microsoft Excel user, chances are you came across some keyboard shortcuts that you found useful. Or maybe you’re tired of being constantly tethered to your mouse and having to search the ribbon or toolbars to find the command you need. Either way, this article should help you understand the value and sometimes the detriment of the many Excel keyboard shortcuts that are built into the interface. By reading these tips, you will clearly understand the pros and cons of keeping your hands on the keyboard and away from the mouse when using Excel.

The pros and cons of keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Improve speed and efficiency

Obviously, the word shortcut implies that a certain amount of time is saved here. The main point of a keyboard shortcut is that you don’t have to take your hands off the keys to grasp the mouse; you just enter a keystroke or a combination of keys and it accomplishes the same thing as you would by clicking on the toolbar. Using these shortcuts can allow you to get the same amount of work done in less time, causes less wasted movement, and literally puts some powerful Excel commands at your fingertips. Not only that, but it can help reinforce your general understanding of Excel’s capabilities.

Improve your familiarity with Excel in general

When you learn the shortcut for a command, such as Ctrl-Z for the Undo command, your general familiarity with the Excel interface improves. You are more likely to try new commands and remember that they exist if there is a quick and easy way to run them. Because you become familiar with all the capabilities of Excel, you may be inclined to use it more often in your work and try it out with new tasks. This will reinforce your general Excel skills again, but there are also some detrimental factors with using shortcuts.

READ ALSO: Why Should You Hire a Professional Website Design Company?

Potential problems

Although saving time and movement can have a big effect on your productivity, not everything is warm and fuzzy. One problem is that by limiting your general range of motion for long periods of time, you run the risk of some physical problems. For one thing, without the opportunity to rest your hands from typing, you may encounter more muscle fatigue, which is obviously counterproductive to getting more work done. Since you won’t be moving your eyes to the top of the screen as often to find commands, you can also end up with more eye strain. Finally, there is a real possibility of a carpal tunnel or other repetitive stress injury.

To avoid these problems, you should make sure to take frequent breaks from your computer during the day and make sure to stretch your arms and hands to keep them flexible and reduce stress. As you can see, there are many benefits to using keyboard shortcuts in Excel, but also some concerns that need to be taken into account.

How To Find Best Voice Over Artist on Fiverr


How To Find Best Voice Over Artist on Fiverr: One of the main reasons why it is so difficult to find a good voice over artist is because the barrier to entry is so low. Basically, anyone with a computer and possibly a microphone can call themselves a voice artist or storyteller. But you are not looking for a beginner’s help in figuring out what he is doing. You need an experienced professional for your project and you need it right now.

You’ll find thousands of dubbed gigs on Fiverr. There are people who can provide audio tracks in any accent imaginable and include everything from background music to broadcast rights. Whether you need someone to read your audiobook, do a radio ad parody, or record your company’s automated phone system, you can find a service that fits your requirements and remains within the budget.

But, like I said, there is a wide range of talent and you just can’t risk making your project look amazing. So I’ll make it easy and let you know exactly what to look for when it comes to hiring high-quality Fiverr broadcasters.

Why use Fiverr?

Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for creative and professional services. It’s basically a one-stop shop for any kind of service you might need, whether you’re looking for voice actresses (or male voice actresses) or wanting to hire some cartoon voice acting jobs. Instead of wasting time searching dozens of websites, resumes, and portfolios, you can simply visit Fiverr and use their search engine. This is one of the many reasons why users love Fiverr.
One thing you’ll notice on Fiverr is that there is a huge range of prices for talent, so you can always find something in your budget.

How to use Fiverr to find narrator and voice actors

With thousands of voice actors on Fiverr, the platform is practically a goldmine. But too many options can be confusing. There is a risk of buying a fake prom or receiving something different from what you expect or are paying for. You are likely looking for a very specific style or skill set.

Professional tip # 1: Take advantage of Fiverr’s search settings

I have thoroughly carried out this search setting on fiverr, all you want to do is visit the below and find the most amazing voice over artist

Top Rated Voice Over Artist 

Machine Learning: The Next Career Change Tool

Machine Learning: The Next Career Change Tool: Machine learning is the buzzword created and it is the next future of the world. It is defined as an artificial intelligence tool that works like an artificial mind to learn automatically without the presence of the human mind.

Machine Learning

It refers to the development of tools and methodologies necessary to access data and continue to use it for learning.

The best part about using this tool is that it does not involve human intervention or assistance. Continuous learning will further help you make appropriate and effective decisions in the future based on what is already stored in your memory. Remember, it helps you make the decisions, but it is not certain that the decisions an artificial human makes are correct and appropriate at all times.


It’s just another way to analyze your data and extract useful insights from it that automatically builds your analytical data models.

Helps organizations obtain a more effective and efficient analysis of massive data sets in the absence of trained professionals. An artificial mind works at a rapid rate compared to a human mind; therefore, it results in faster and more accurate decisions.

Quick and accurate decisions lead to seizing new market revenue opportunities and improving customer satisfaction. It helps to promote the process of identifying threats present in the market.

The process of identifying opportunities and threats is simplified by machine learning. But all of this can only be achieved when properly trained with the help of additional resources and time.


There are various methods available for machine learning, such as supervised algorithms, semi-supervised algorithms, and unsupervised algorithms.

a] Supervised algorithms apply what they have learned alongside the data and use well-illustrated and labeled diagrams to analyze and predict the future.

b] Semi-supervised algorithms require both tagged and unlabeled training, which involves using a small amount of tagged data but a large amount of unlabeled data.

It is chosen when the acquired tagged data requires additional resources, but the untagged data does not require additional resources or skills.

c] Unsupervised algorithms are generally applied when the acquired data is not labeled or classified. This system is used to discover the hidden solutions of unlabeled or unclassified data sets.

Machine learning has the ability to gobble up massive sets of data in a timely manner and too efficiently. Machine learning uses recent customer activities and interactions to review and adjust your messages.

You have the ability to identify relevant variables by building data analysis models from numerous sources.

Machine learning supports more efficient and appropriate data interpretation and analysis. It is the best tool to use if your company does not have the professionals who are equipped with the desired skills and knowledge base to handle data sets.

Why Should You Hire a Professional Website Design Company?

Why Should You Hire a Professional Website Design Company?: If you are starting a new business or trying to create an online presence, then in this digital era, it’s necessary to have a website which might help you reach a large pool of customers across the globe. With the website, your business would not remain limited to any specific region or person. Hence, developing a creative, intuitive, and attractive website represents your brand and business persona. And it requires a lot of planning, strong design skills and a very good execution of both.

Many business owners don’t take the matter seriously when it comes to building a website of their business. They don’t invest the amount of time and money after that. But as a matter of fact, the website is an identity of your business. It represents who you are and what do you do without communicating with anyone through human interaction. Therefore, a well-designed website should be able to demonstrate your products, services, motto, ideas and aim of your company. It’s the essence of your business that has to be perfect and user-driven.

So if you are planning to enhance your business and look more credible online, you should hire a website design company to manage your digital marketing services and needs.

So, in this article, we are giving you some reasons to make your mind clear to hire a professional website design company.

Why Should You Hire a Professional Website Design Company?

Better SEO

Search engine optimization – SEO is not just a word, it’s a technique that needs to be implemented in the digital era. It’s an important part of any business owner who is trying to compete with their competitors and win the digital trends.

If you are building a new website, it needs to be optimized and search engine friendly so that it appears in the top result of search engines. When you are optimizing your website for search engines, there are several factors that you should consider, such as using specific keywords that are in high demand but with less competition amongst other users. And this technical knowledge and analytical details can be easier to understand with someone within the digital marketing field.

So, an SEO expert and designer should take control over the SEO and back-end of your website. Your website will be more searchable online and be able to see greater results. Moreover, the website design company can also help you analyze and track analytics for you if you have entered into an ongoing agreement.

Unique Website Design

Obviously, website design matters to stand out from the competitors and become unique. Though, many business owners build their websites using the free templates and themes available in the market to save their time and money. But by applying this method, you will not stand alone. Because there are many websites you will find using the same free templates. So, the website design goes beyond the creative edge. It needs to be customized.

With the help of a web design company, you can create your own customized website and bring your company’s vision to life. This way, you can go from a basic and common website that blends online to one that really highlights your company’s personality and makes you look more professional to users.

Responsive Design

In the usage of mobile devices and handy gadgets, the majority of the traffic has been generated through mobile devices than desktop or laptops. Therefore, it’s mandatory to make your website mobile-friendly for the users. Moreover, it is not only beneficial from the user perspective but also helps you with search engine optimization.

If your website is not mobile-friendly, your audience will simply not choose you. Hence, it will increase your “bounce rate” of the website. That means your audience doesn’t like to spend much time on your website and you can’t generate traffic through this website.

Fortunately, the right versatile designer or a professional website design company will create your site using responsive design technology so that you can gain traffic and earn revenue in the long run.

hire website designer company

Using The Latest Technology Available

As we know every day comes up with new trends and advanced technology. The technology is continually evolving, too, where new tools, plugins, features, and apps are being built to make your website and digital marketing needs even greater.

But, unless you implement these tools and are aware of these improvements, you won’t be able to leverage these benefits and you will run the risk of falling behind your competitors. But if you are planning to hire the best website design company, they will always let you stay on track of what’s trending and will implement accordingly.

Cost and Time Effective

This is one of the major benefits you can get if you are hiring a professional website design company. Having a versatile experience in the designing area, a web design company can help a business owner to save a lot of time and money.

For example, if a business owner wants to develop a website, they have to put a bunch of time and effort into developing. As a result, they cannot concentrate on their core business. Besides that, even after putting your hard work, they might not be satisfied with the desired result and make the most of their website. In the end, their time and money will go in vain without any fruitful results. Whereas, hiring a professional web design company, though involved payment for their service, the results achieved would be more than what they paid for. Moreover, their professional attitude helps them to build their client’s websites in a given time, which is another added advantage.

Customer Support

web design customer support

Another benefit of hiring a professional website design company is that it renders website design services that provide customer support to the customers or business owners at every step. This helps them manage their business operations effectively and efficiently. Business owners can make a professional digital appearance on the internet with the help of web design services. And if this virtual presence of the business is being taken care of by the web design company, the business owners can divert their entire attention in developing their business. Besides, it’s important to select the right and trusted web design company, who can help a business to achieve the optimum benefits from their websites.


Many organizations don’t realize the importance of web design, nor do they see what damage a poorly constructed site may cause to their business. There’s no reason for taking such a risk with your business if you are hiring a professional website design company. Moreover, the above-mentioned benefits are few. The list could go on and on if you hire a professional web design company.

If you are really looking for a website design company to design your website, give us a call +2348105335011 or let us know your requirements. We will help you out with the best and cost-effective web design services.

12 Technical Skills Every Software Tester Should Know


12 Technical Skills Every Software Tester Should Know: Software testers or QA engineers are like a master chef in the world of digital development. Just like every time you go to any restaurant or hotel to eat, you will be very impressed with the food they serve. And what is the reason for that? It is not just a cook who has prepared the food. But it is the master chef, who has tasted the food and served you with the proper tasting. The software tester or QA engineers have played the same role and responsibility throughout the software development life cycle.

No one can become such a tester. To obtain that profession, there are some technical skills that every evaluator must pass. According to the renowned computer scientist and testing expert, Jerry (Gerald) Weinberg once said, “If you don’t learn something new every day, you are not testing.” Well, however, when technology, agile methodologies, and DevOps advance rapidly, while accelerated development and continuous deployments become more complex, testing is quite a critical phase. This allows testers to work harder and requires more deliberation.

Therefore, learning about the latest trends and advancing technical skills becomes inevitable to keep up with trends and avoid becoming obsolete. In this scenario, each tester must be well versed in technical skills, to gain greater understanding, a high degree of effectiveness, and effectively communicate system flaws and flaws to developers.

An evaluator with a good understanding of requirements analysis, design, and coding has a strong understanding of the defect life cycle. They can easily understand which area of ​​the code has the biggest flaws and how it could be solved by helping developers. So, I must say, there are some good technical skills of an evaluator that help prevent flaws from entering the delivered code.

So here as a well-known and experienced software testing company, we have selected the top 12 technical skills that every software tester must have.

12 Technical Skills Every Software Tester Should Know

1. Agile testing

The Software Testing Process – Agile testing follows the principles of agile software development. Agile testing is aligned with iterative development methodology in which requirements are gradually developed from customers and test teams. The development is aligned with the client’s requirements.

Agile testing is a continuous but not sequential process. Testing starts from the beginning of the project and there is continuous integration between testing and development. The main and common goal of agile development and testing is to achieve high product quality.

2. Automation tests

By leveraging the latest technologies, increasing software complexity and application integrations, using manual testing alone cannot get you on the right track. To test browser compatibility, performance, headless, as well as database and integration layers, software testers or QA engineers need to learn automation skills as it imparts higher accuracy due to the business logic and technical aspects it can offer. In addition, there are several test automation tools that are fully compatible with the test type and have the features to perform tasks quickly and efficiently.

3. Software development life cycle (SDLC)

Program development life cycle

It is one of the important and preferable things, if an evaluator is willing to learn software development lifecycle management skills. The entire structure of SDLC will help you understand your application development tasks and plan your test cycle accordingly. Having a solid and in-depth understanding of the SDLC cycle will also help testers to anticipate complexities in the application that can guide them in taking appropriate action beforehand. Along with this, testers must also learn other development mythologies like Kanban, Waterfall, Scrum, Lean, etc.

4. Web and Mobile Technologies

web and mobile application technologies

Each evaluator must know the latest technologies that are in vogue on the web and mobile devices. Therefore, they can understand the type of application, its construction and scalability and apply a suitable course of action for its testing. Evaluators should keep an eye on the latest web and mobile technologies and trends as they guide them in understanding the coding architecture and technical challenges to deliver effective QA solutions.

5. Testing tools and techniques

It is important that each evaluator is armed with the latest and different testing techniques and use of tools. The other types of tests, such as black box tests, penetration tests, security tests, system tests, unit tests, etc., help testers to work on any type of project, regardless of domain and the type of application. Apart from this, the other testing tools available in the market such as bug tracking tools, admin tools, GUI testing tools, automation tools, etc., will help testers to meet the different requirements and complexities. of the project.

hire software testers

6. Defect tracking and test case management tools

Tracking defects and the life cycle of defects are the key roles of any software testing phase. It is very difficult to manage defects correctly and track them in a systematic way. So the tester with extensive knowledge of bug tracking and test case management tools like QC, Bugzilla, Jira, etc., will help you to block the flaw, including admins, developers and testers.

7. Database or SQL

database management system

For the last 4 decades, SQL has been the standard programming language for database management. Since then, software systems have a large amount of data in the background. Since the data is stored in different types of databases like Oracle, MySQL, etc. on the backend, testers need to understand the query and manipulate the data. Therefore, if the testers are well versed in databases or SQL, it will be easier for them to come up with suitable solutions when this data needs to be validated. A single database or SQL queries can be found to check if the correct data is stored in the back-end database.

8. Testing skills in various browsers

Due to the demand for multiple browsers along with multiple devices and variations in different screen sizes for smartphones, the need for browser compatibility testing is more than ever.

This cross-browser testing ability allows testers to test their developed application in different browsers. This test guarantees to deliver the product without having errors or errors that could work on all platforms without problems.

9. Project management

project management system

Software testing skills are a mix of technical and professional aspects. And to manage both, it is extremely important that testers can own the project. This means that an evaluator submits the project after completing the tests. Learning project management skills will instill problem-solving ability in evaluators. In this way, the testers will be held accountable for their work to the person concerned and will also take responsibility and management of the test project from one end to the other. Project management skill also plays an important role in promoting a sense of responsibility.

In this way, the tester can improve the entire testing process and deliver quality results to the customer.

10. Basic programming knowledge

When we talk about programming, that doesn’t mean that every tester has to work as a developer. But it is really very important to understand the knowledge of the application so that it is very easy for a tester to understand its functionality and create tests accordingly. Basic programming knowledge will help testers to identify potential bugs in the application code, further reducing the chances of application errors and inefficiencies. In some ways, it is recommended that all testers learn at least some programming languages, as there is a good chance that they know the alternative solutions of the application.

11. General knowledge of operating systems

knowledge of the operating system

This also includes basic IT skills. And if you’re interested in learning and exploring more in your field, new operating systems are easy to learn and use. Of course, it is mandatory to learn the operating system: Windows, Linux and Mac, to know what the basic differences are between desktop operating systems, and to simply spot the difference.

On the mobile platform, it is also good to be familiar with iOS and Android. Since wearable devices are on the rise, it should sneak onto the scene: Tizen and Android Wear OS.

12. Knowledge of the domain

Having knowledge of different domains is very essential for every QA or software tester. Evaluators can get more creative with knowledge of software testing domains. Thus, it helps to increase the value of the software product. Having a good knowledge of the domain, helps each tester in an enhanced way to have a clear understanding of the testing techniques that are required by the client or that meet the requirements of the client. Being the knowledge of multiple domains for each QA also opens the door to multiple jobs as sometimes some clients require people who have domain expertise in a specific domain like Legal, Healthcare, Finance and Banking etc.

Therefore, it is important for each evaluator to balance all skills activities so that all aspects of the product are addressed.


Regardless of educational background and years of experience, testers should always strive to learn and improve their technical software testing skills and knowledge. Whether by self-study or participating in a training program, testers should always be eager to learn more methods and processes to improve their performance on tests and keep implementing new skills and learning to stay ahead of completion.

As a prominent and valued software testing company, Resourceful Dev has experienced and trained software engineers who adhere to any and all technical skills while working on the project. Our team of experts will never fail to impress you by providing bug-free software for your organization. For more information, get in touch today.

Strong Customer Authentication


Introduction to Strong Customer Authentication

Strong Customer Authentication(SCA) is authentication which is based on two or more elements known as knowledge(something that the only user knows), possession (something that user possesses) and inherence (what user is).

In this digital world, many people are using online transactions. So it is necessary to have a proper and secure transaction. For that purpose, Strong Customer Authentication is introduced, to reduce fraud in online transactions and make online transactions more secure.

Strong Customer Authentication paypal

To achieve SCA, you have to add an additional authentication step in your checkout process. In that additional step, It will require any two of the following three options for user authentication.

Strong Customer Authentication fca

    • Something the user knows(password or pin)
    • Something the user has(phone and hardware token)
    • Something the User is(Face recognition or fingerprint)

strong customer authentication step

Strong Customer Authentication will be applied to all the “customer-initiated” online transaction. where it will not be required in “merchant-initiated” transaction. In person card payment is considered as a merchant-initiated transaction.

Currently, many card provider provides 3D secure authentication. It also includes an additional step for authentication. But with 3D secure 2 will be the main method for authentication. It will give better user experience that will minimize some of the friction that authentication add into your checkout flow. Also, some of the payment methods like Google Pay and Apple Pay also uses an authentication method like Strong Customer Authentication (biometric or password).

Strong Customer Authentication (sca)

Some of the transaction can be exempted for using Strong Customer Authentication. It will depend on the risk level of the transaction. Your payment provider will be able to request an exemption. After that, the bank will check the risk level of the transaction and decide whether to approve exemption or whether authentication is still necessary. If the exemption request fails then payments will then have to be resubmitted to the customer with a request for Strong Customer Authentication.

Strong Customer Authentication psd2

It will be compulsory to use Strong Customer Authentication in Europe Economic Area from 14 September 2019.

September 3, 2019 update!

Some EEA countries may be delaying their enforcement of PSD2 and SCA. There is a helpful “cheat sheet” outlining the latest developments: http://bit.ly/psd2Sep14. However, you should NOT STOP getting ready for PSD2 as some issuers may not honor the “2-leg in” rule. So, even if your acquirer is in a country that has opted to delay their rollout of PSD2, some of your transactions may still be challenged for SCA.

Strong Customer Authentication uk

Major payment gateways have started supporting SCA. Upgrade your website to support SCA before deadline for seamless performance.

Contact Us to get a quote for upgrading payment gateway to support SCA.

Conclusion (Strong Customer Authentication)

However, many online stores or e-commerce websites have started implementing SCA – Strong User Authentication to make their website more secure. And it is also one of the major reasons to gain user trust and traffic to your website. Since it helps you secure your website, it’s necessary to have it on your website and if it doesn’t have, don’t worry, at The One Technologies, our developers are capable enough to make your website safe and secure by integrating SCA. Most of the e-commerce websites have implemented this also. So, if you too are looking to upgrade your payment gateway to support SCA, contact us today. Because as an ecommerce development company, we walk along with the latest trends and technology. Thus, we will help your customers to make their online transactions more secure.

Strong Customer Authentication stripe