Google Go vs Goal C.

[ad_1] 1 Introduction " The importance of language for the development of culture lies in that, as humankind has established a language separate from the world alongside the other world, which is the place it needed to be so stable that, by standing on it, it could lift the rest of the world off its […]

Python programming language is better than other languages

[ad_1] Python is a high-level programming language. It's easy to learn and powerful from other languages ​​due to its dynamic nature and simple syntax that allows for small lines of code. Built-in indentation and object-oriented functional programming makes it simple. These advantages of Python make it different from other languages ​​and that is why Python […]

Richard Stillman – Free Insight Software

[ad_1] Richard Matthew Stallman, known in hacker and social circles for computers as "rms", is an American software developer, hacker and advocate for free software. He was born in 1953 in New York City. After completing high school, Stallman wrote his first computer program, which is the initial processor for the programming language PL / […]

Why should I study web programming?

[ad_1] So, why should you study web programming? The answer is simple. It determines the ability to learn how to master passive income streams that you can prepare for yourself. Knowing some of these can be a great start for you to broaden your knowledge and horizons during "unemployed". This could be something that helps […]

How can I build my website?

[ad_1] There are millions of people who get the desire to build their own website. When the individual asks himself, "How do I build my own website?" There are no easy solutions. However, there are a number of products on the market today that can help even the most computer literate individuals to start their […]

Understand the dangers of computers, hackers and electronic terrorism

[ad_1] In today's environment, millions of people rely on computers to do chores and homework and send information to others. So it is very important to secure the information we have on our computers. If you use a computer exclusively, it is your duty to do everything you can to reduce computer risks, prevent data […]

What are the top 5 reasons for learning Python?

[ad_1] Python is one of the most powerful and dynamic programming languages ​​used today. It places great stress on code readability, and due to syntax as well as implementation, programmers have to write fewer codes compared to Java and C ++. Memory in Python is automatically managed and many standard programmer libraries are available here. […]

Confessions of the bedroom programmer

[ad_1] Sitting in the back of my brother's car holding the new Atari STE, I happily announced that I was going to write my first game soon. Atari STE came with a selection of games that I was keen to play, but the image of STOS the Game Creator, a programming package that came with […]

Basics and standards for good software programming

[ad_1] The program is a set of instructions or commands that the computer must implement to perform some tasks. The program includes code to solve a problem as well as good documentation which will serve as a guide for anyone trying to understand the program. The algorithm is a formula, method, recipe, and step-by-step procedure […]